Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

adverbial clause

An adverbial clause is a clause that functions as an adverb. In other words, it contains a subject (explicit or implied) and a predicate, and it modifies a verb.

·         Time Clauses
Function: These clauses are used to say when something happens by referring to a period of time or to another event.
Conjunctions: when, before, after, since, while, as, as long as, until,till (conjunctions that answer the question "when?"), hardly, scarcely, no sooner, etc.
Example:        His cat died when he was child.
                       Your hair is longer since last time I saw you.

·         Conditional Clauses
Function: These clauses are used to talk about a possible situation and its consequences.
Conjunctions: if, unless.
Example:         If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.

·         Purpose Clauses
Function: These clauses are used to indicate the purpose of an action.
Conjunction: in order to, so that, in order that.
Example:        The lecturer finished his lecture five minutes early so that the                    students could come and ask him questions.

·         Reason Clauses
Function: These clauses are used to indicate the reason for something.
Conjunction: because, since, as, given.
Example:        I studied hard because I wanted to pass the test.

·         Result Clauses
Function: These clauses are used to indicate the result of something.
Conjunction: so..that
Example:        It is so small that no one could see that.
                       I was so weak that I could not speak.

·         Concessive Clauses
Function: These clauses are used to make two statements, one of which contrasts with the other or makes it seem surprising.
Conjunction: although, though, while
Example:        I tried hard to complete the test, though it seemed impossible.

·         Place Clauses
Function: These clauses are used to talk about the location or position of something.
Conjunction: where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere, etc. (conjunctions that answer the question "where?")
Example:        He said he was happy where he was.
                       Everywhere I look, I see mother with newborn babies.

·         Clauses Of Manner
Function: These clauses are used to talk about someone's behaviour or the way something is done.
Conjunction: as, like, the way
Example:        He finished the work as she requested.
                       We mixed the chemicals exactly as the lab instructor had told us to.

·         Clauses Of Exclamation
Function: Exclamations are used to express anger, fear, shock, surprise etc. They always take an exclamation mark.
Conjunction: what a(an), how, such, so
Example:        What horrible news! How fast she types! 

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

good experience

My name is Rendy, i study management at gunadarma university, now i am in 2nd semester. I want to share my story to you all, this is the story about my final exam scores when I was on 3rd class at senior high school. I studied at al-azhar, kemang pratama, Bekasi. The story began at my graduation day. I don’t know what will happen with me on that day, it felt like a normal day. I woke up in the morning at 5 o’clock, somehow I felt so happy, and then I took a shower and prayed subuh. Then I prepared my clothes, and wear my clothes, after that I ate my breakfast with my parent. At 8 o’clock my parent and me went to the school at central Al-Azhar, south Jakarta. When I arrived I was little late, but it was no problem, I am still allowed to enter the conference hall. And then the ‘party’ began, the opening was the choir from my school, they sang our hymn, then followed by a speech from the headmaster, shortly the headmaster began to read any students who excel, from six classes on 3rd class, then turn to my class, who gets the first rank in my class has been mentioned, then unexpectedly headmaster called my name, which means I get a second rank, it was very surprising to me and my parents, after my name was called I had to go onto the stage to receive awards for my achievements. That was a very exciting moment for me and I will never forget it.

Kamis, 10 Maret 2011



1.      Peringkat 4 perguruan tinggi se-Indonesia versi Webomatrics
2.      Memiliki 6 fakultas yang terdiri dari 12 jurusan
3.      Semua jurusan mendapatkan akreditasi A dari BAN-PT
4.      Hampir semua jurusan berbasis berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang berkualitas
5.      Mempunyai program studi internasional yang bekerja sama dengan universitas terkemuka diluar negeri
6.      Mempunyai dosen-dosen yang berkompeten dibidangnya
7.      Memilikki staf-staf yang ahli
8.      Mempunyai fasilitas yang memadai, seperti:
·         8 gedung kampus yang tersebar di Jakarta, Depok dan Bekasi
·         Mempunyai kurang lebih 167 kelas yang tersebar di 8 kampus tersebut
·         Perpustakaan
·         Memilikki laboratorium-laboratorium untuk jurusan-jurusan yang memerlukannya
·         Mesjid
·         Bank (Bank DKI)
·         Poliklinik
·         Lahan parkir yang cukup luas (Mobil dan Motor)
·         Internet Hotspot di area kampus
9.      Biaya kuliah yang terjangkau
10.  Letaknya yang strategis
11.  Tranportasi yang memadai untuk mencapai kampus (angkutan umum dan kereta)